This is a journey I've navigated myself, more than once. The good news is that landing within that fulfillment and joy you desperately desire doesn't necessarily require drastic, blow-up-your-life moves. Instead, deepening your self-understanding and getting clear on what you actually value (not what Instagram says you should value) as well as the unique value you bring to the table can help lay a solid foundation when it comes to finding aligned career opportunities that won't leave you feeling empty. That internal work combined with cultivating and upleveling your external skills surrounding job hunting and interviewing will take you wherever you want to go.

On the outside, the achievements, success, & accolades make it seem like you have it all, but you can't help but feel like something's missing

Clarity > Confusion

If you’re ready for a new role, we’ll unlock your career potential together! We will dive into your unique value, identify your personal and career values to help you pick the most aligned company and role. Job searching hacks, deep dive interview preparation. Create a stand-out resume and two rounds of resume revision.

Explore, discover, & refine.

8 sessions total

4 month 1-1 coaching container

50 minute, bi-weekly meetings

explore & expand

Coaching Packages

This is for you if you’re feeling stuck in your current role and not quite sure what to do next. You want to grow in your career, but there are no promotions available, or you’ve been passed up. Maybe it’s time for a new job, but maybe you just need to find what lights you up again. Together, we’ll uncover your strengths and values. We’ll also dive into the strategies, mindset, and development needed for you to find joy, satisfaction, growth, and alignment in your job.

Clarify, understand, & evolve.

9 sessions total

3 month 1-1 coaching container

50 minute, bi-weekly meetings

deepen & grow

My qualifications & expertise give me a sound tactical background, but it's my experience in walking this path myself that make me a truly effective coach.

With a background in recruiting for renowned companies like Culture Amp, Cisco Meraki, and Oyster, I bring extensive expertise in understanding what employers are looking for both in the office and for remote jobs. Having reviewed countless resumes, conducted thousands interviews, and collaborated with hiring managers, I have an insider's perspective on the job market and what companies are looking for in their next hire. As your coach, I'll help you craft a standout resume that gets through filters and captures recruiters' attention, prepare you for interviews with confidence, and guide you through negotiating the offer you deserve.

Beyond the tactical aspects, I'm committed to helping you gain clarity on your career goals and values – and helping you understand yourself better in the process – so you can pursue work that aligns with who you are.

Why work with me?

“I’ve been working with Eryn on and off for the last 8 years. I would not be where I am in my career or as fulfilled in my day to day without Eryn’s coaching. Most poignantly, this last November I was genuinely minutes away from quitting my job and something inside me said to book a call with Eryn before taking that massive leap. After really listening to what was important to me, Eryn guided me to shift my beliefs and my actions. Instead of quitting, I took action to go for another role within my company. With her coaching, I was able to get a promotion, a raise, and I now have more balance, freedom, and autonomy than I did in my previous role. Eryn’s guidance is sound, grounded, and she has so much experience and context to back up her coaching. I could not recommend Eryn enough if you want hyper-experienced career coaching and guidance that deals with the whole person vs. surface level advice.”

Kaitlin Meek

Partnerships Manager at Culture Amp

"Eryn taught me about Genius Zones, celebrated our mutual witchiness, and encouraged me to stop trying to be "ops-y" when I wanted to be creative. My life has been changed because of this woman."


"Thank you again for helping me feel confident again in my professional value."


Create movement & meaning in your professional life.

What to expect...

Working together, you'll not only enhance your job search skills but also deepen your understanding of yourself and what you truly want in your career. You'll feel empowered, prepared, and inspired to take the next step towards landing your dream role. We’ll work in a four-month container, ensuring you have support and time to integrate.

work with eryn